Scooby-Doo and the gang are trapped into a video game! So they follow up to Scooby Snacks to the last level and they met the cyber gang who just look like themselves. So, the cyber gang decided to help the gang to defeat the phantom virus.
《玛雅与三勇士》是一部迷你动画影集,由侯黑·古提雷斯 (Jorge Gutierrez)(《曼罗奇遇记》(The Book of Life)、《小虎超人》(El Tigre))创作、编剧与执导。故事场景是以中美洲作为蓝图发想的虚构世界,叙述一位勇敢的战士公主踏上旅程,目的是徵募三名传奇斗士,请他们协助拯救这个人类与神祗并存的世界。希尔维亚·奥利沃斯 (Silvia Olivas)(《艾莲娜公主》(Elena of Avalor))担任本剧的共同编剧及监製,杰夫·蓝秋 (Jeff Ranjo)(《海洋奇缘》(Moana))则是首席动画脚本负责人。