在游戏机厅做着兼职“小丑”的郑开司(李易峰 饰),幼时父亲突然失踪,母亲重病住院,使得郑开司的生活非常拮据。发小“大虾米”(曹炳琨 饰)借口买房骗下了郑开司父亲留下的房产,还给他带来了巨额的欠债。神秘人物(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)出现,告诉郑开司,只要参加“命运号”游轮上的神秘游戏,就有机会偿还完所有欠款,一无所有的郑开司为了给青梅竹马的护士刘青(周冬雨 饰)和母亲更好的生活,只得登上游轮,开始了生存游戏,一场以“剪刀、石头、布”展开的生死较量即将登场…
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.
A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back.