Sebbe在学校被欺负,在家还要面对酗酒的单亲妈妈,家里贫穷只能穿旧衣服,他默默忍受着一切委屈,期待着一点点的改变,可惜从无望到绝望,欺负只会越来越严重,连妈妈也把他赶出家门。最后觉得自己根本不该生下来的Sebbe偷了一箱炸药.....小男主Sebastian Hiort af Ornäs把一个敏感体贴善良的15岁男孩演得非常自然可信,让人母爱泛滥,未来也许又是颗新星。色彩基调灰暗无光的瑞典冷片。母子亲情其实才是重点。风格有点像Gus《大象》又有点像达内兄弟的《孩子》,不过导演Babak Najafi还是很准确的拍出了自己的北欧特色,配乐也不错,摄影虽冷却透出一丝光明,淡淡的人文关怀才深刻。熟悉的北欧电影,熟悉的寒冷。
A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back.
In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to become the biggest mafia boss in the country.