奥斯卡(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)是个只会雕虫小技的马戏团魔术师,却无意中被龙卷风从尘土飞扬的堪萨斯城带到了神奇美妙的奥兹国。那里的居民认为他是传说中的大魔法师从天而降,祈求他击败穷凶极恶的邪恶女巫拯救奥兹国,可心术不正的奥斯卡却把这境遇看作是发大财的绝佳良机。
三位自称是奥兹国守护者的女巫赛多拉(米拉·库妮丝 Mila Kunis 饰)、伊诺拉(蕾切尔·薇姿 Rachel Weisz 饰)和 格琳达(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)却对奥斯卡的身份各有怀疑。当黑暗势力压境,奥斯卡被迫卷入纷争,他才发现自己必须擦亮双眼,分辨出这些美艳女巫们究竟孰善孰恶,是敌是友,不然一切美好都要灰飞烟灭。奥斯卡决定放手一搏迎战邪恶女巫,可自己的魔术伎俩,要如何才能抗衡女巫强大而邪恶的魔法?奥兹仙境的前途,又将何去何从
The Anti-Monitor (the Monitor's evil counterpart) is released in the DC Multiverse and begins to destroy the different Earths huo87.com that compose it. The Monitor attempts to recruit heroes from across the Multiverse, but is murdered.
When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious.