史上第一次国际性街舞对战,将在纽约举行!来自世界各地藏龙卧虎的顶级高手,都将在此一决高下!和卢克(瑞奇·马兰博瑞 Rick Malambri 饰)一起组成团队的,个个都是不怕虎的初生牛犊。刚刚考入纽约大学的可爱小子莫斯(亚当·G·瑟瓦尼 Adam G. Sevani 饰)、永不言败的自信美眉娜塔莉(沙妮·文森 Sharni Vinson 饰)、一脸孩子气但舞技惊人的卡米尔(艾莉森·斯卡里奥缇 Allison Scagliotti 饰)、高大威猛的肌肉大块头杰森。他们,每个人都做出了破釜沉舟的决定。尽管对于他们中的某些,这可能意味着耽误学业,意味着和家人反目,但为了追逐梦想,他们谁也不会后退……
When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of the drug, she is horrified to discover that she has become the key to saving the human race.
Attending college at her mother's alma mater, Jennie joins an exclusive women's group. But the price of admission may have lethal consequences.